Athena PR goes against the grain and will not promise you the world; however, what they will offer is an honest and realistic (and holistic in some cases) approach to your business. Working on understanding the power behind the brand, the people, their functions, their expectation and their general well being before moving forward with your campaign.
Louise says “When you employ a PR agency many expect instant fame or media coverage the minute you sign on the dotted line. You may think the sales function is doing their jobs, the marketing department seems to be churning out strategy plans and perhaps the social media is busy churning out content. However, who in your team is dedicated to making those functions work together?” She likens herself to a conductor or an orchestra to bring all facets of your business together.
Louise doesn’t believe this world has time for businesses that ‘bumble along’ creating a revenue stream for their company without maximising on their full potential.
By hiring Athena PR you will have a clear understanding of your business inside and out, have a clear vision of where you are and where you need to be.
Louise’s philosophical approach has gained respect in a variety of industries and amongst her peers. She is straight talking, yet practical with her advice and this has allowed her to grow her business with business knowing they are in honest hands.
There are no such things as ‘one hit wonders’ when Athena PR is involved in your business. Louise makes sure you are in the public eye on a long-term basis and will only take a client on the books if she has the passion to make it a success.
She works with a handful of cherry picked social media experts and brings marketing and the sales function together to work a PR strategy.
“If you can’t prove to me that your business is exciting and has legs then I can’t feel the passion and can’t do my job properly”. Louise continues, “When I take on an account I take it on personally. I want success for those who have the passion to want it to work and are realistic about their goals”.
Louise doesn’t believe in ‘fluffy PR’ and would be the first person to tell you if she feels your company isn’t ready to go to market. Louise will NOT launch a company unless she is 100% sure the concept will work and if there aren’t enough unique selling points, Louise will identify them, create a strategic plan and allow the business to be where she and you believe it should be.